Image Upload

Image Upload elements description:

In the elements builder section, each and every component are displayed on the left side of the element pages. Drag the required components to the center of the workplace. Click on the edit element, and the properties list will be displayed on the right side of the builder. Edit the properties as required. Refer to the below list for properties of the elements.

Reference ID- It is a unique id that will be created automatically when a new element is created.

Name: Here we select the desired file/images/video/gif through file open manager.

Help Text: In help text, we write short information about that element, and quick information will be shown as a tooltip in the form when we hover over that element.

Label Required: We check this property if we do not want to show the title of that element in the form.

Mandatory: We check this property if we want to make that element mandatory.

Accept: This property will only be available in the file upload and image upload element. In this property, we write which type of file format we want to upload. For uploading all types of files we will only write " * ".

File Size: This property will only be available in the file upload and image upload element. In this property, we set the size limit (in kb) of the file we will be uploading.

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