Quick Start

Create Template

In order to design a template, first, you have to create a template.

You will go to the template section after clicking on the template present on the home page.

After Entering into template section, you will see a list of templates. Each template card contains a template name, Delete icon, and Edit icon.

Creating New Template:

  • You can create a new template by clicking the "New Template" button.

  • A window will open. In the Name textbox, write the name of the template. In layout, select which type of layout you want for your template, and in the Form dropdown, select the form name to which you want to dedicate this template.

You cannot edit/change the template layout and form info once you select it while creating the template.

  • Click on 'CREATE' to create a new template.

Types of Layouts:

  • Empty: Select this option if you want to create your template from scratch

  • Newspaper: Select this if your data is similar to newspaper structure or if you want to display/print your report data in newspaper format.

  • Tax Invoice: Select if you want to display/print your report data into tax invoice format.

  • Tabular Receipt: Select if you want to display/print your data into tabular receipt format.

Deleting Template:

The delete icon present on each template card is used to delete the template.

Editing Template:

  • The Edit icon present on each template card is used to Edit the template.

  • While Editing the template, you can only edit/change the name of the template and cannot change the layout and forms once you select while creating the template.

After clicking on the name of the template you create, you will be redirected to the next step, where you will edit your selected template as per your requirement.

You will see the following:

  • On the top left corner, you will see the name of the template.

Under the name of the template, you will see the following options:

  • Edit: Using these options, you can perform different operations in your template like Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Select all, Find and Replace, etc.

  • Insert: Insert option will be very helpful for inserting any images, videos, links, etc., into your template. You can also insert a table into your template using the insert option.

  • Format: This option will help you to decorate your text using bold, italic, text color, etc.

  • Tools: Tools contain two options.

    • Source Code: Suppose you want to create your template and you have the source code of that template(in HTML Format); then you can paste that source code here, and your template will be created.

    • Word Count: If you want to count words, characters, or characters with no space present in your template, then you can use this.

Furthermore, you will see the list of icons that will also be used for creating your template. The options like:

Paragraph - This will provide a paragraph decorator. Bold, Italic, Emoticons, Align Left, Right, Center, Justify, Bullet List, Number List, Insert Table, an eye symbol to preview the template you are creating, A save icon to save the template,

Scratchpad - This option will show you the form details on which this template is dedicated. The form details like form Name and Parameters are present in that form.

And More.

At the end of this icons list, you will see a 3-dot icon. This icon will give you three options:

  • Create Variable:

We will understand the create a variable option with an example.

Suppose your report table contains information like Customer Name, Item Name, Item Price, Item Quantity, and Total Amount. Now let us assume from this report, you want to display a single value that is Customer Name in the template you have created.

When you click the "Create Variable," a small window will pop up where first, you will write the name of the variable. Under that, you will see a Query textbox. In this section, you have to write SQL Query related to the value you want from your report and want to display it in the template.

We want to first select the row in which we will show the customer name, so to get the value exactly from the selected row, we write the condition "id = @id."


The above query was for a single value variable, that is, if you want to display/print a single value from a single variable.

You can create multiple single value variables in the single template as well as can use already created variables in the same template multiple times.

The previous example was of a single value variable, But suppose you want to display multiple values from multiple selected rows in the report, that it would be difficult to show such data using a single value variable because you will have to create multiple variables. So we create multiple value variable to solve such a problem. We usually show such data in table format in our template.

We will use the same report example that we use in the above single value variable example, with same columns headings like Customer Name, Item Name, Item Price, Item Quantity, and Total Amount. We want to show the whole single or multiple rows in the table created into the template.

First, we will create a table in our template using the insert table option. Here we will create a table with 5 columns, and we will give them heading same as the report table column heading (You can give whatever heading you want unless you know what value of the report table will go under which heading)

Now we will create a multiple value variable as follow:


Select[Report Heading1],[Report Heading2],[Report Heading3] from [Table Name_data] 

In place of "Report Heading", we have to write the same column heading present in the report.

Query according to our example:

select [Customer Name],[Item Name],[Price],[Quantity],[Total Amount] from [ProductBill_data]

Here write the multiple column headers in the same sequence as you write in the table you created in the template.

After creating the table, we will click on the table. After clicking, we can see a list of icons appears. From that icons list, we will select the table property icon. In the table property section, there is a textbox named the variable. In that textbox, we will pass the name of the multiple value variable that we have created.

In this way, we can apply single as well as multiple value variables into our template so that we can fetch the data from the report.


  • Update Variable: Using this you can update the variables you created.

  • Delete Variable: Using this you can delete the variable you created.

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