Menu builder

☝️ This is Cleverly work navigation menu. The navigation menu helps to navigate throughout the application.

As you can see, there are two lists. One on the left side and one on the right side. Items on the left side are categorized as main menu items, and items on the right side are categorized as sub-menu items.

Main-menu items contain a list of sub-menu items. We can say a menu-menu item is a parent and sub-items are children.

What is Menu Builder?

Menu Builder is a tool to build a navigation menu. with the help of this tool, you can add, remove, change the order of main-menu items and sub-menu items.

Create Navigation Menu Using Menu Builder

Add Main menu-item Item

Change the Order of main-menu items

You can change the order of the items by simply dragging and dropping.

Edit main-menu Item

Click on the edit icon of any item you want to update.

Delete main-menu item

Main-menu items with sub-menu items are not deletable. First, you have to delete all sub-menu items then you can delete the main menu item.

Add sub-menu Items

Drag items from forms and drop them into sub-menu

Change the Order of sub-menu items

Just like main-menu items, You can change the order of the sub-menu items by dragging and dropping.

Delete sub-menu item

All the changes will reflect in Cleverly Work Navigation Menu.

Last updated